ASA Fails to parse certificates


Last night I was trying to get a VeriSign issued SSL certificate installed on my ASA using Cisco ASDM 6.2. I installed the Intermediate CA and the CA certificates all installed. I then imported the SSL certificate into the “Configuration -> Device Management -> Manage Certificates -> Identity Certificates” but it did not seem to work. I kept getting an error “Failed to parse or verify imported certificate”. The certificate was in the .p7b form. Changing the format of the certificate to X.509 Base64 Encoded format resulted in acceptance of the certificate.
I sincerely hope that Cisco alters its error messages to accurately reflect that .p7b is not a format supported by them.

Update: This link has the information on how to install SSL certificates on ASA:


Nutch failed …presentation succeeded!


Finally, the CSCI 599 course on Search Engines concluded. The presentation went off pretty well.
The worst part was that an effort of 5 straight days went down the drain trying to go through the Nutch code. I think the Nutch developer community needs to get a little more matured and help newbies like me else new people would not join the movement! Eventually, I had to make my own focused crawler, query interface web data crawled and query interface.
I also got my CSCi558L scores which were ok…94,99,100 so things look ok so far but now the main effort is just starting off to get the Worm fingerprinting with ITrace going. Let’s hope things turn off well.


Lake Tahoe : A sporty trip


This long weekend, the July 4th weekend, we went to Lake Tahoe. Trips are fun when the group sizes are large and this time around we broke the records of group sizes. 18 of us went to Lake Tahoe, with friends coming in from New York, Santa Barbara, Foster City etc.
We booked a house for us and it was really grand. The cost of the rental was $670 for 2 days with a minimum 2 days rental.
We left for South Lake Tahoe from Foster City, CA from Gander’s place at 9:45 am in a Jeep Wrangler . We took I-5N, I-80E,I-50E to reach South Lake Tahoe in 5hrs 15mins because of some heavy traffic. As soon as we reached Deepak had made arrangements for Jet Skiing for us in Lake Tahoe. The cost for rental was a decent $100 / hour. VK and I were on the same Jet Ski. It took me some time to get accustomed to the fact that I was gliding on the surface of water without knowing swimming. But once I became a little comfortable, I started to enjoy the surface tension of water! The life jacket that I had worn was luckily not put to full use as I did not fall into the water.
The next day was the best adventure sport that I have ever been a part of. River Rafting with Adventure Connection in South Fork Waters was simply an ethereal experience. It was grade 3 rafting and we were told that was the beginner level. Our raft guide – Dinesh, was from Nepal and had a very clear idea and excellent knowledge of rafting. He told us that in India and Nepal the water grades are much higher than in US. For example, grade 5 in US is grade 3 in India & Nepal. The 3-hour rafting experience caused us $85 but it was worth every penny of it. Personally, I think that all of us are ready to do Grade 4 but I think I need to first learn to swim before I can embark on those escapades. I was told that Grade 4 was available in Middle fork and grade 5 was available on North Fork waters.
Overall, it turned out to be a great trip with almost everyone enjoying the fun part. The total cost of the trip per person came to about $250 including food, stay and water sports. A great end to the 4th of July Long Weekend.


nature’s signatures


One more in the list of technical posts! Yesterday was a day of 17 hrs in the lab (phew 🙂
So we were capturing packets but the packit tool did not randomize the source IPs enough so we were getting decent signatures for TCP traffic but not for ICMP! So looking at the signature generation I found that the checksum was also being used to get the hash value. But, when I stopped using the checksum values for generation of hash the signatures started coming properly. Antoine, somehow, thought that the IP addresses were affecting the has values that we got. But looking deeply into the code we saw that it was not the case. The conclusion (which is really surprising) is that packit was generating similar packets quite a few packets and that too from the same source IP (but they really should have been randomized!)…I don’t know whether this conclusion is correct??? May be some packit developers would be able to help me on this!
So now the challenge becomes to send those ICMP signatures across…but icmp_send() method requires skbuff structure…I looked at the net/ipv4/ipip.c file for the usage of icmp_send() methods but it is still not clear to me how it should be used!

Rajat’s Homepage


DefCon CTF Quals GrabBag 300 Writeup


The question was:
Question: This is semi-real. 🙁
Password: 5fd78efc6620f6

When you would connect using netcat you would see a 9 numbers and a user PIN. This would repeat thrice and then you would have to choose the right pin for the fourth pair 6×6 matrix of numbers. My first reaction was either the PINS were constant or they were following a pattern. So I wrote up this quick python script to solve this puzzle which helped me understand the problem also.

import socket, re, threading, time
lookupdict = []

def process_array_pin(fs,s):
	i = 6
	temp = ''
	pin = ''
	while i > 0:
		line = fs.readline()
		#print line
		#re.match(".{11}(.).{12}(.).{12}(.)", line).group(1)
		test = re.split(' ',line)
		#print test[1],' ',test[3],' ',test[5],' ',test[7],' ',test[9],' ',test[11]
		i = i - 1
			temp += test[1]+test[3]+test[5]+test[7]+test[9]+test[11]
		except IndexError:
			#i = 15
			#while i > 0:
			#	print fs.readline()
			#	i = i - 1
			#i = 15
			#while i > 0:
			#	print fs.readline()
			#	i = i - 1
	line = fs.readline()
		pin = re.match("..........User entered: (.*)", line).group(1)
	#pin = fs.readline()
	#print 'Line: '+line
	#print 'Pin is : '+pin
	strpin = re.sub(' ','',pin)
	#strpin = re.split(' ',pin)
	#lookupdict[temp] = strpin
	print 'Pin for : ' + temp+' is '+strpin+'\n'
	return temp,strpin
def play():
	global fs, s
	s = socket.create_connection(('', 10435))
	fs = s.makefile()
	print fs.readline()
	print fs.readline()
	print fs.readline()
	answer = []
	numTimes = 0
	while numTimes < 5:
		j = 3
		while j > 0:
			test = process_array_pin(fs,s)
			j = j - 1
			if j > 0:
				numlines = 3
				while numlines > 0:
					numlines = numlines - 1
		pindigits = list(lookupdict[1])
		#print pindigits
		pinpos = 0
		for num in pindigits:
			i = 0
			start = 0
			end = len(lookupdict[0])
			while i < lookupdict[0].count(num):
				indofinterest = lookupdict[0].find(num,start,end)
				#print 'index of interest '+str(indofinterest)
				if lookupdict[2][indofinterest] == lookupdict[3][pinpos]:
					if lookupdict[4][indofinterest] == lookupdict[5][pinpos]:
				i = i + 1
				start = indofinterest+1
			pinpos = pinpos + 1
		#print answer
		# Get question
		i = 6
		temp1 = ""
		while i > 0:
			line = fs.readline()
			#print line
			#re.match(".{11}(.).{12}(.).{12}(.)", line).group(1)
			test = re.split(' ',line)
			#print test[1],' ',test[3],' ',test[5],' ',test[7],' ',test[9],' ',test[11]
			temp1 += test[1]+test[3]+test[5]+test[7]+test[9]+test[11]
			i = i - 1
		print "Question : " +temp1+'\n'
		answerstr = ''
		count = 0
		for i in answer:
			answerstr += temp1[i]
			#print temp1[i],
			count = count + 1
			if count < 4:
				answerstr += ' '
				answerstr += '\n'
		print "Answer : "+answerstr
		output = fs.readline()
		#output = fs.readline()
		print output
		if output.find('Sun') > -1:
			output = fs.readline()
			a = 10
			while a > 0:
				print fs.readline()
				a = a - 1
			#output = fs.readline()
			#print 'Inside else\n'
			#if output.find('NOVA') > -1:
			#	print 'NOVAFOUND!!!!!\n'
			print 'Sent last\n'
			a = 100
			while a > 0:
				print fs.readline()
				a = a - 1
			#print fs.readline()
		del answer[:]
		del lookupdict[:]
		del pindigits[:]
		numTimes += 1
#for i in range(2000):

The above file reads the numbers, filters out the formatting that adds color to the digits and picks out the indices that would be chosen as the key.

So to solve this, each pattern of digits had fixed matrix positions that would be chosen as the pin. Once you successfully solve the puzzle four time you are presented with an ATM screen as follows:

 ***NOVABANK ATM menu***

 Balance: $9238740982570237012935.32

 1) withdraw
 2) deposit
 3) transfer
 4) exit


The real part is the balance i.e., 9238740982570237012935.32 is the answer. It took me various attempts to solve this one because the answer was for some reason not being accepted by the scoreboard until my teammate submitted it at which time it worked.

This was a really cool problem. Thanks DDTEK.


Kubuntu Static IP Script


I wrote a very small script to set static IPs on a kubuntu box.

if [ $# -lt 4 ]
    echo "Usage: $0 <interface> <ip> <netmask> <gateway> <dns1>"
ifconfig $1 $2 netmask $3
echo "Static IP set"
route add default gw $4
echo "Routes added"
if [ "$5" != "" ]
    echo "nameserver $5" >>/etc/resolv.conf
echo "DNS set"

Mobile Security


Seems like the pwn2own this time around is going to be putting up prizes of about $100,000+ for people who can find 0-days for a variety of platforms. Especially, the fact that about $60,000 are being devoted for 0-days on the mobile security platform including the android platform etc., indicates a new era of security bugs.
The iPhone (non-jailbroken ones) as well as the BlackBerry application do tend to use signed executables. One only hopes that like the trust-relationships of the SSL-based certificates, the trust is really kept by analyzing the blackberry and iPhone apps.
Tyler Shields from Veracode presented his work of TXSBBSpy (source code URL: http://www.veracode.com/images/txsBBSpy.java; Presentation slides: http://www.veracode.com/images/TylerShields-MonkeyBerries-ShmooCon-2010.pdf).  In this he suggested that when controlled APIs are used the code needs to be signed by RIM but to do that RIM only gets the hash and not the source code.  This presents an interesting situation where RIM could actually be signing something that they don’t really know what it seems to be doing.