NTLM Rainbow Tables generation


What www.hak5.org started was quite commendable and I’m really not sure what the status of the Community Rainbow Tables project is at hak5.
They are generating the rainbow tables with the following configuration:

* mixalpha-numeric-all-space
* [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-_+=~`[]{}|\:;"'<>,.?/ ]
* 26 indexes, 22 files/index
* 572 tables total
* 340.93GB
* 96.07% probability of successful crack

I’m currently generating index 13 and index 26 on this configuration. It would be cool to have multiple people generate it and upload it. I know many people are already doing that as we speak. We should also have SHA1, MD5 project for mixalpha-numberic-all-space configurations.


Rainbow Tables from Hak5


I started downloading rainbow tables LM Hashes for all symbols. They were 120 GB big and were available for download via torrent. But I’d been stuck at 92.2% of the download forever thinking that there were no seeders. As it turns out, the problem was in the torrent file. The torrent for the 120 GB LM Hashes all symbols can be obtained from 120 GB LM Hashes [all english characters] Rainbow Tables.