

If you want to find out the components of a site’s certificate the following commands will help you.
If you want to find if the certificate is signed with the weak MD5 signature algorithm:
$ echo | openssl s_client -connect webserver.example.com:443 2>/dev/null | sed -ne ‘/—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–/,/—–END CERTIFICATE—–/p’ | openssl x509 -text | grep “Signature Algorithm”| gawk ‘{print $3}’

$ echo | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | sed -ne ‘/—–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–/,/—–END CERTIFICATE—–/p’ | openssl x509 -text | grep “Exponent”


Converting Java Key Store into X.509 certificates


Web services security has been very much talked about in the recent times. Especially, with the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) gaining increasing importance. One of the interesting ways to protect these web services encapsulated in SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is using digital client-side authentication certificates. Programmers typically use Java Key Store (.JKS) files to establish connectivity to these applications. However, if we want to create a custom client using some scripting it creates an issue as we tend to use languages such as perl, bash, etc. to create connectivity. So I ran into this excellent tool called KeyTool IUI. This tool helps you import the Java Key Store (Tools -> Keystore Manager -> JKS Keystore) and export it in the PKCS#12, X.509 PEM, and DER formats. You can further use OpenSSL to change the formats as you please or separate out the components of the certificates.
You could even take these certificates in X.509 or PFX formats and convert into JCEKS, JKS formats! Pretty cool huh? 🙂 Nice software!


Lotus Notes and South Indian Names (error: Name too long)


If you are a South Indian, have a long name, use lotus notes and want to send encrypted e-mail using Internet Certificates…you may just be out of luck! Why?
Lotus Notes 6 does not support importing of PKCS#12 (.pfx) certificates which have the CN (Customer name), OU (Organization unit), O (Organization), CA (Certificatio Authority) fields together more than 255 characters. Many of my south Indian friends in fact have names that are 40 characters themselves! Alongwith the O, OU and the CA taken together this could easily exceed more than 255 characters. On encountering such a situation, Lotus Notes also gives a friendly error message which my friends may not find quite amusing at that point “Name too long”. Once you encounter this error, you cannot proceed with the import. To work around this see if you can reduce the characters in OU and O fields because your e-mail ID has to match the one in Lotus.
I also found a useless response from IBM to get rid of this problem. Their response was pretty much “learn to deal with it! we won’t correct our stupid software”.
Justin’s written a pretty useful how to on importing S/MIME certificates into Lotus notes.


Using Certificates with cURL


The problem: Using Digital Certificates issued by a Certification Authority (CA) with curl.

The situation: I have a .cer (Digital Certificate) file, .pfx (Personal Information Exchange file i.e., the private key for the certificate). I cannot use either of these to authenticate to the web service as curl would not accept these formats.

The solution:
1) Convert it into PEM format (X.509 certificate) using openssl.
openssl pkcs12 -in abcd.pfx -out abcd.pem
Enter a passphrase and a password.
2) Still you cannot use this with curl because you’d get a few errors.
3) Convert this PEM certificate into three different certificates for the client, the private key and the certification authority certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -in abcd.pfx -out ca.pem -cacerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in abcd.pfx -out client.pem -clcerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in abcd.pfx -out key.pem -nocerts
4) Use the following command:
curl -k https://www.thesitetoauthenticate.com/test -v –key key.pem –cacert ca.pem –cert client.pem:

This stuff is also mentioned on curl forum at http://curl.haxx.se/mail/archive-2005-09/0138.html