Truecrypt password in history file


To avoid saving the truecrypt password in history files and mounting the Truecrypt partitions on bash the following trick helps:

history -d $((HISTCMD-1)) && sudo truecrypt --mount <PATH_TO_TRUECRYPT_VOL> --non-interactive -p <PASSWORD>

This will avoid saving the password in the .bash_history file and also mount the truecrypt volume from the command line.  Of course, if you use this in a shell script then the shell script will have the password in it, so you must not do that.


VPNC Connection Status


I was using the vpnc the other day on my Backtrack 4 R2 system to log in to VPN. I noticed that there was nothing that would give me the status of whether or not the tunnel was up. So I wrote a small one-liner to help me:

while [ `ps aux |grep vpnc|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'` ] ; do printf "Connected\r"; done


Using awk with bash variables


I wanted to use variables in a bash script’s for loop inside awk’s print statement.
Here’s an easy way to do it – enclose the bash variable within "’"

Here’s a sample scripts to take a list of IPs and do a DNS lookup and generate a CSV:

for ip in `cat ips.txt`
host $ip|grep -v NXDOMAIN|sed 's/\.$//g'|awk '{print "'"$ip"'"","$NF}'