Packet Forgery


In the past few days, coincidentally I’ve been thrown into situations where packet forgery has been required. So I thought it’ll be a great moment to enumerate some good options that network or security professionals have. The basis for most of these tools lies in libnet and libpcap which are some of the most wonderfully functional libraries out there.

  • Packetforge-ng – On the wireless side this utility allows you to capture wireless packets and create legitimate packets with a pre-determined payload that can then be replayed using tools such as aireplay-ng
  • Scapy – This is a python based tool and can be extended to write custom Python scripts to custom create packets. This library has great functions to form packets layer-by-layer and other functions such as fuzz() that allow fuzzing of packets out of the box. The greatest utility comes by the use of python language to create custom tools. Imagine creating custom thick clients just by using simple python scripts. The capabilities with this library are endless!
  • TCPReplay – Just convert your pcaps into traffic by replaying them. An excellent tool but be careful if you’ve sniffed some ARP packets. You could end up corrupting the ARP table entries (unless that’s exactly what your intentions is 😉
  • file2air – An excellent tool by Joshua Wright to replay packet contents.
  • Packit – A really easy to use and functional linux based packet injection tool.

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: NO)


If this is the error you are getting then one of the solutions is to reset your root password on the MySQL database server.

$ pkill mysql
$ sudo mysqld --skip-grant-privileges
$ mysql

At this point you get the mysql command shell. You will need to update the root password and flush the table when you reset the password.

mysql> set UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD') WHERE User='root';

Now that you’ve flushed your passwords, just restart your mysql daemon.

$ sudo pkill mysqld
$ sudo /etc/init.d/mysqld start
$ mysql -u root -p

You should be all set now!


The Next Hope


This was my first hope conference (The Next HOPE Conference)despite being in New York City for more than half a decade. Always it seemed that work would send me out of town just before the con. However, this time around I had the good fortune of being in the city during the conference.
There were a few good talks some of which were not so technical but kindled the questions for privacy fanatics.
The talks I attended included Alessio Pennasilico’s talk about DDoS attack on Bakeca.it, Modern Crimeware and Tools talk by Alexander Heid, Steven Rambam’s talk on Privacy is Dead, Blaze Mouse Cheswick et. al’s talk which was abstract but awesome. I did attend a few more talks and it was fun. All in all a great conference.


Backtrack4 on USB (on Windows)


A simple way to install Backtrack 4 on a USB stick is to use UNetBootin. UNetbootin can be used to create live (i.e., bootable images with a fully functional OS on it) USB images. This is the first time I tried this route and it seems to work alright.
Otherwise, if you are the linux fans, our good old friend dd does a great job.

dd if=bt4-final.iso of=/dev/sda bs=4096 conv=noerror,sync

Reverse tunnels


SSH is an excellent piece of software which can help you do a lot of things such as have encrypted shells etc. But what makes SSH incredibly flexible is having tunnels.

A typical ssh tunnel works from the client to the ssh server and it forwards a local port on the client to the server seamlessly.

client ----> ssh_conn ----> ssh_server
client --> tunneled_port --> ssh_server
ssh -L 10000:localhost:10000 username@ssh_server

This connection creates a tunneled port on client:10000 i.e., anything sent to this port appears as if it’s automatically sent to ssh_server on port 10000. The localhost here is confusing, but think of it as….”what is localhost for ssh_server?”. It would be the ssh_server itself, right?
If you do a netstat on the client, you see a listener on the port 10000/tcp.

Now comes the more interesting reverse tunnel. The reverse tunnel is different in that, you have a tunnel being initiated by the client that says to the ssh server, “Hey, I’m initiating this connection that will allow you to automatically access a port on *me* after *I* initiate the connection?” (confused!!?!)

client ---> ssh_connection ---> server  ---+
client <-- tunneled_port  <----- server ---+
ssh -NR 10000:localhost:10000 user@ssh_server

Here the meaning of localhost is slightly different, though.  The “localhost” means what is localhost for the client (and not on the server as in the previous case)!   So what you’re saying is, “Hey SSH server, I’m initiating this connection to you but if you connect to your port 10000 you will get a tunnel to *my* port 10000.”  If you do a netstat on the server you see a listener on port 10000. Isn’t it great that you can make the server listen to a port which acts as a tunnel to you…so anyone on the server can seamlessly connect to you even though technically you were the client!


Kubuntu Static IP Script


I wrote a very small script to set static IPs on a kubuntu box.

if [ $# -lt 4 ]
    echo "Usage: $0 <interface> <ip> <netmask> <gateway> <dns1>"
ifconfig $1 $2 netmask $3
echo "Static IP set"
route add default gw $4
echo "Routes added"
if [ "$5" != "" ]
    echo "nameserver $5" >>/etc/resolv.conf
echo "DNS set"

Error: Installshield Engine could not be launched


I was being troubled by the error:
The InstallShield Engine (iKernel.exe) could not be launched.
The RPC Server is unavailable.

If you start the service “DCOM Server Process Launcher” you should be able to do away with this error.