Lotus Notes and South Indian Names (error: Name too long)


If you are a South Indian, have a long name, use lotus notes and want to send encrypted e-mail using Internet Certificates…you may just be out of luck! Why?
Lotus Notes 6 does not support importing of PKCS#12 (.pfx) certificates which have the CN (Customer name), OU (Organization unit), O (Organization), CA (Certificatio Authority) fields together more than 255 characters. Many of my south Indian friends in fact have names that are 40 characters themselves! Alongwith the O, OU and the CA taken together this could easily exceed more than 255 characters. On encountering such a situation, Lotus Notes also gives a friendly error message which my friends may not find quite amusing at that point “Name too long”. Once you encounter this error, you cannot proceed with the import. To work around this see if you can reduce the characters in OU and O fields because your e-mail ID has to match the one in Lotus.
I also found a useless response from IBM to get rid of this problem. Their response was pretty much “learn to deal with it! we won’t correct our stupid software”.
Justin’s written a pretty useful how to on importing S/MIME certificates into Lotus notes.




I finally got a candidate on the Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures (CVE) list. Apache Tomahawk also released a critical security update due to my disclosure to iDefense. In case, people are wondering I did not get any money for the disclosure to iDefense. It was just a case of responsible disclosure.
The advisory can be found at:


Rainbow Tables from Hak5


I started downloading rainbow tables LM Hashes for all symbols. They were 120 GB big and were available for download via torrent. But I’d been stuck at 92.2% of the download forever thinking that there were no seeders. As it turns out, the problem was in the torrent file. The torrent for the 120 GB LM Hashes all symbols can be obtained from 120 GB LM Hashes [all english characters] Rainbow Tables.


NTFS-3G : Mount your “writeable” NTFS filesystems!


I’ve been waiting for a good writeable NTFS file system. I used Captive-NTFS but wasn’t really happy with it. Lots of errors when I used it last in July – August 2006 (if I remember the timeline correctly). Now we have a great writeable NTFS file system for Linux called NTFS-3g.

On my Kubuntu machine, I installed it as:
sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g
I also installed ntfsprogs available from http://packages.debian.org/unstable/otherosfs/ntfsprogs for my Kubuntu machine. The use for the NTFS-Progs is that you can use utils like ntfs fix if your mounted NTFS is tainted. If you do not have a latest version installed of ntfs-progs you might run into issues where ntfsfix might not work. Use the latest version from the above link. You might need to install libntfs9 from the debian package as
dpkg -i libntfs9_1.13.1-6+b2_i386.deb
Now I was getting tired of having to unount my NTFS partitions first and then re-mount them in ntfs-3g mode to make them writeable. So I installed ntfs-config and also the patched pmount debian package. Then all you have to do is run ntfs-config and choose the option that suits you best.
Now all my USB drives that have NTFS on it mount in read/write mode!


Using cURL as a SOAP client


cURL (groks URL) can be used as a SOAP client to send XML SOAP requests to web services. But the problems that I was facing in sending the data directly with the -d switch of curl is that DOS command shell would greet me with an error message:

< was unexpected at this time.

But there is a great way to send data in the POST requests by using the -d switch with the @ symbol. For example to send the xml data in the xmlfilewithdata.xml in the POST request to http://www.somesite.com/thewebservice you could use the following command:
curl -d @xmlfilewithdata.xml http://www.somesite.com/thewebservice

Off go all the errors and there it is …. your SOAP client – cURL!


Using Certificates with cURL


The problem: Using Digital Certificates issued by a Certification Authority (CA) with curl.

The situation: I have a .cer (Digital Certificate) file, .pfx (Personal Information Exchange file i.e., the private key for the certificate). I cannot use either of these to authenticate to the web service as curl would not accept these formats.

The solution:
1) Convert it into PEM format (X.509 certificate) using openssl.
openssl pkcs12 -in abcd.pfx -out abcd.pem
Enter a passphrase and a password.
2) Still you cannot use this with curl because you’d get a few errors.
3) Convert this PEM certificate into three different certificates for the client, the private key and the certification authority certificate.
openssl pkcs12 -in abcd.pfx -out ca.pem -cacerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in abcd.pfx -out client.pem -clcerts -nokeys
openssl pkcs12 -in abcd.pfx -out key.pem -nocerts
4) Use the following command:
curl -k https://www.thesitetoauthenticate.com/test -v –key key.pem –cacert ca.pem –cert client.pem:

This stuff is also mentioned on curl forum at http://curl.haxx.se/mail/archive-2005-09/0138.html


SSL v2.0 on Internet Explorer

Now that Firefox 2.0 does not have option to enable SSL v2.0, there’s one way it can still be activated in Internet Explorer. Goto Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced as shown in the screenshot and uncheck all other ciphers except SSL 2.0 and you should be able to check if a particular website supports SSL v2.0.

Activating SSL 2.0 in IE