Cisco Router Security


Long time since I posted anything here …. but it’s just been those times been busy as a bee. So securing Cisco routers is a big deal especially since the routers (especially the edge routers) can be critical to any organizations infrastructure. I am not a Cisco guru but am only a student. However, I thought I should create a list that could help me perform security reviews of routers.
Security of routers is important as attackers could add static routes, advertise bad BGP neighbours on edge routers, create inbound tunnel into the intranets and such. Therefore, it’s imperative that adequate efforts be put in to secure Cisco routers.

I thought I’ll put in my first attempt at creating a small checklist:

  1. Use SSH for non-console access (“line vty” command should not have telnet in it)
  2. Use class 5 passwords, do *not* use class 7 passwords as they’re easily reversed (“enable secret”) alongwith the use of strong passez
  3. Limit virtual terminal access by using an ACL
       access-list 100 permit log
       access-list 100 permit log
       access-list deny any log
       line vty 0 4
        access-class 100 in
  4. Disable Proxy ARP on each interface (“no ip proxy arp”)
  5. Disable CDP as it can be used for information disclosures (“no cdp run”)
  6. Use AAA (TACACS+ or RADIUS) (“aaa new-model”, “aaa authentication”, etc.)
  7. Use “access-list ACL_NAME deny ip any any log” at the end of each ACL
  8. Disable http server (“no ip http server”)
  9. Keep the IOS versions updated
  10. Set centralized logging using a syslog (“logging internal_ip_address”)
  11. Configure NTP to keep the time synchronization (“ntp server”)
  12. Disable TCP and UDP small services e.g., echo, chargen, discard, etc. (“no service tcp-small-servers” and “no service udp-small-servers”)
  13. Put RFC 1918 (ingress filtering) protections using ACLs
       access-list 100 deny ip any log
       access-list 100 deny ip any log
       access-list 100 deny ip any log
       access-list 100 deny ip any log
  14. Put some more filtering for common IPs
       access-list 100 deny ip any log
  15. Use SNMPv3 with ACLs if you must (“snmp-server v3 auth priv”)
  16. Use SSHv2 (“ip ssh version 2”)
  17. Try to use EIGRP instead of RIP/OSPF (“ip authentication mode eigrp N md5”)
  18. Use MD5 authentication for RIP/OSPF if you must use these protocols (RIPv2/OSPF)
    (“ip rip authentication mode md5”)
  19. For edge routers using BGP authentication (if possible)
       router bgp 10
        neighbor password Cr4zY$%^
  20. Configure BGP route flap dampening that prevents BGP oscillations (“bgp dampening”)
  21. Use warning banners that could be used for legal purposes for prosecuting hackers

Echo Mirage and UHooker


It can get interesting to test the security of thick client applications. If you start debugging you could end up losing a lot of time with not too many results. Of course, time is always at a premium when you pen testing in a week long gig. There are a couple of tools that can really help you to gain insight into a thick client (i.e., an application written in a binary format such as an executable, ActiveX control, flash object, etc.) and communicating to a server using the client/server model.
The need for a proxy to hook into the communications is a prime need and EchoMirage can do a great job of hooking into function calls related to win32 sockets, openssl functions. You have to select an active process for Echomirage to inject into or you can even spawn a process from the menu options in EchoMirage itself. It’s a great tool with a built-in editor so you can edit the traffic. However, sometimes you have to be careful because it’s binary data that you are editing so while editing it is easy to mess up a few flags, etc.
Another great tool is actually a plugin for OllyDbg called UHooker that can let you specify which functions you want to place a hook into. You have to configure a binary editor of your choosing and the functions to be hooked into in a .cfg file. The documentation for Uhooker is located here.


Installing Firewalk on KUbuntu


Installing Firewalk turned out to be more complicated than I thought it would be. There were some compilation issues and some library errors.
The chief amongst them was:

checking for arp_get in -ldnet... no
configure: error: No libdnet? http://libdnet.sourceforge.net.

I did install libdnet using aptitude but it did not do the trick. Thereafer, searching a few forums got me this information. The “Libdnet” that Firewalk looks for is libdumbnet1 in the ubuntu language.
So I got the Debian packages from the following links:
I continued to get that error and no wonder because there was nothing in /usr/lib.
So I executed the following commands :

$ cd /usr/lib
$ sudo ln -s libdumbnet.so libdnet.so
$ cd /usr/include
$ sudo ln -s dumbnet.h dnet.h

Then there was a compilation error:

firewalk.c: In function ‘firewalk’:
firewalk.c:193: error: label at end of compound statement
make[1]: *** [firewalk.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/trance/Desktop/Firewalk/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1

So then opening the firewalk.c file in vim (and following up on line 193) showed that the “break;” statement was missing after default: switch statement.
So then I added the the following characters (without quotes) “break;” at a line above the comment as shown below:

/* empty */

$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ sudo cp man/firewalk.8 /usr/local/man/man8

Now firewalk was installed and ready to use!


NTLM Rainbow Tables generation


What www.hak5.org started was quite commendable and I’m really not sure what the status of the Community Rainbow Tables project is at hak5.
They are generating the rainbow tables with the following configuration:

* mixalpha-numeric-all-space
* [abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-_+=~`[]{}|\:;"'<>,.?/ ]
* 26 indexes, 22 files/index
* 572 tables total
* 340.93GB
* 96.07% probability of successful crack

I’m currently generating index 13 and index 26 on this configuration. It would be cool to have multiple people generate it and upload it. I know many people are already doing that as we speak. We should also have SHA1, MD5 project for mixalpha-numberic-all-space configurations.


Skype4Com API to script skype


I came across the interesting Skype4Com API that could aid users to dial several numbers using skype.
To install Skype4Com simply unzip the contents of the archive and execute the following command:

c:\> regsvr32 Skype4Com.dll

Upon executing this you can use the Skype4Com API using .Net (C#, VB Script) and even Python.
One can even generate DTMF tones to dial in to 1-800-numbers and automate the process so you can directly get through the initial wait times and directly speak to the customer representative.


Spike Fuzzer linker errors


I decided to play around with Spike fuzzer and encountered some weird errors during installation. I was using gcc 4.1.2.

gcc -ggdb -o generic_listen_tcp generic_listen_tcp.o dlrpc.o 
dlargs.o spike.o listener.o hdebug.o tcpstuff.o
spike_dcerpc.o base64.o udpstuff.o spike_oncrpc.o -ldl -L. -ldlrpc
/usr/bin/ld: generic_listen_tcp: hidden symbol `__stack_chk_fail_local' in
/usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a(stack_chk_fail_local.oS) is referenced by DSO
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Nonrepresentable section on output
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [generic_listen_tcp] Error 1

If you are also getting the same error, I would recommend that you do the following

SPIKE/SPIKE/src$ ./configure

Now open the Makefile in your favorite editor and edit the CFLAGS line to include the following option:


This is how my CFLAGS line looks like in the Makefile:

CFLAGS = -Wall -funsigned-char -c -fPIC -ggdb -fno-stack-protector

This should make it build fine (I do get a few warnings but that’s cool…it still does not result in a no-build.


WPA2+TKIP on Kubuntu with IPW3945


So I decided to use WPA2 Personal with AES+TKIP on my new Linksys WRT54GL router after my old D-Link router died. However, there were some issues in getting it to work on Kubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft with my Intel Wireless IPW3945abg.
So I decided to put my /etc/network/interfaces and the /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf files up here for reference:
Suppose BLAH is my ESSID name. The psk value is an altered value for elucidation purposes only:


proto=WPA RSN

The value of the PSK command was obtained by using the value associated with the prefix “psk=…” after issuing the following command:

# wpa_passphrase BLAH passphrase

The /etc/network/interfaces looked like this:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet dhcp
wpa-conf managed
wpa-driver wext
wpa-ssid BLAH
wpa-ap-scan 2
wpa-proto RSN
wpa-pairwise TKIP
wpa-group TKIP
wpa-key-mgmt WPA-PSK
wpa-psk aaaa3fa7bbbbccccf6d44e199ecb2bebccccad25a0778beeee104db0b3fffff7
pre-up wpa_supplicant -Bw -Dwext -i eth1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
post-down killall -q wpa_supplicant

Once I was done with this configuration all I had to do was, issue the following command to get wireless working with WPA2 and TKIP:

# /etc/init.d/networking restart