hey, we need to check that your connection works, torrent this file and md5 it


The torrent file when loaded into Vuze showed that the file name was every_ip_address.txt. So I downloaded some of the file and observed the format. The format of the file was “\n0.0.0.2\n…. “.

So I wrote a quick python script to calculate the md5:

import hashlib
m = hashlib.md5()
fsize = 0
a = ''
for i in xrange(256):
    for j in xrange(256):
        for k in xrange(256):
            for l in xrange(256):
                a = str(i)+'.'+str(j)+'.'+str(k)+'.'+str(l)+'\n'
                fsize += len(a)
                m.update( a )
print m.hexdigest()

The flag was “1a97f624cc74e4944350c04f5ae1fe8d”.